Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Snowing Day ( waiting... )

Have been here for quite a long time, im so excited when the weather forecast predicts that this sunday would probably be a snowing day. The scene of snowflakes falling on my head conjures in my mind, like what that was once burst upon my mind when i was in Malaysia.

Love the feeling at the moment while your dreams is coming true..
Waiting for the 1st snowing day in my life...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

London 1103-1105

Tower Bridge

Gherkin Tower & a castle-like building

'Japan' , Hiroji Kubota Photography Exhibition in front of London City Hall..A damn nice location for doing a exhibition

He is really adorable!

Cool gals at Soho

Tate Modern

'Test Site' by Carsten Holler..

Shadows of me and the slide

Inside Tate Modern

A wonderful place where u could see lots of Comtemporary Art from past to present..

My favourite spot in the gallery..
New York based visual artist, Christian Marclay..

Outside Tate Modern, St.Paul's Church & Millenium Bridge..

View From Millenium Bridge..

Just love the feeling of travelling alone..
No one could ever turn you down and spoil you mood..
Thank god, my dream has come true finally!!!!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Opera Dude - Tokyoplastic

Kinda excited when i received it coz i had been waiting it for so long... nevertheless, it turned me off with some lil defects, the detailing is not good enough.. anyway.. it stil looks cool ya..


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Design for 9c & Booz

Initially, i was just given the bottles for all..
Since the picture files which my client provided me was crap..
Definately, i gotta snap it by myself.. but my photography sucks..
I needed some help probably..Kane was the only one i could find, a photography enthusiast..

He was irritated by the bottles..They were all fucked up.. each bottle had the inconsistant packaging such as the terrible lids and the wrap labels..That should be killing him..Fortunately, every photos came out with the nice quality..He has tried to get it done well..For the rest of the design..i gotta touch up all these individually..otherwise..my design would be fucked up as the bottles were..

It took bout 2 weeks for me to complete it.. I wasn't doing it everyday indeed..


9c Uplift

9c Cocktail

Promotional Triangle Paper Stand (24"x36")

Cost = Quality

Guess how much have i charged for it?

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Queen E and Servant R

In a dreadful obstacles,
they kept on suffering, kept looking for the way out, individually.
Time after time, they escaped from the misery
They met each other at the same time.
They fall in love,
stay in a castle and live happily,
forever and ever.
In the castle......

Servant R

Queen E

Servant and the Queen

A painting that is drawn by them and their beloved friends.

Queen E did the poster of the nominee

of the American's Next Top Model, Jolin The Bitch.

A hand made box by Queen E.
Both of you are perfect in my heart.
Prove to me that eternal love is existed in this world.
All the best wishes......


Friday, May 19, 2006

A Rubber Ducky With Suicidal Tendency

No one could ever save it...
because it's not a robot ducky...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Love, love is a verb
Love is a doing word
Fearless on my breath
Gentle impulsion
Shakes me makes me lighter
Fearless on my breath

Teardrop on the fire
Fearless on my breath

Nine, night of matter
Black flowers blossom
Fearles on my breath
Black flowers blossom
Fearless on my breath

Teardrop on the fire
Fearless on my breath

Water is my eye
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire of a confession
Fearless on my breath
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath

Teardrop on the fire
Fearless on my breath

by Massive Attack featuring Portishead

Monday, March 20, 2006

The Colourful Bead - Koh Samui

A shop on a street at Chaweng, selling those colourful light balls. It drives me crazy, since i like colourful objects, especially when it is untidy.

Some boards by the beach near the jetty. Understanding of the message is not going to be the most important thing, since i got no idea of it. Let the aesthetics tell you everything.

All stuffed toys are arranged on a trailer. It looks cool, in a chaotic way.

The main entrance of the temple, where the night market is located. I like brown light, because it gives the soul to those old monuments.

A boy is selling some kind of cake. I paid 10 bath for two cakes and a smile.

The stalls in the night market. Different sensations, when you cross the border.

The main entrance to enter the stage. Simple fluorescent lights shine on the colourful text, simplicity is the perfection.

The stone gate besides the main entrance. The light makes the stone carving looks mysterious. Serving as a door to mystery.